En kenyansk domstol har besluttet at saken som gjelder 3 barn som skulle adopteres av 2 svenske og 1 dansk familie skal granskes, da personer som hevder at de er i slekt med barna ønsker å ha foreldreretten.  Dette er  en dypt tragisk  hendelse da barna i flere måneder har bodd sammen med adoptivforeldrene sine i Kenya, slik prosessen i landet er. Videre granskning vil undersøke hvorvidt dette er biologisk slekt, og avgjøre barnas framtid. Vår samarbeidsparnter, Little Angels Network, har lagt ut denne teksten på sin facebookside om situasjonen:

«It is really sad when impunity and disrespect for the law is done in broad daylight to satisfy individual egos at the expense of the welfare and best interest of children. It’s unbelievable that in an effort to stamp authority and to legalize illegal existence people can go to such an extent without any regard for the law just because as they claim «we are government «. Whatever that means only they understand .

To tell the world in public through corrupted media channels that you have reunited children who are still subjects of a legal process with «their families » is a total scam and impunity of the highest order.

There is an ongoing court process to confirm that those are the actual biological parents, DNA tests are yet to be authorised by the court and even if they are biological parents don’t they have cases to answer? Is this really in the best interest of the said children?

So now what you are telling the public is that its okay for anyone to abandon and neglect their child for more than two years, make no efforts at all to trace your child, make no reports to the police or media, go on with your life as if nothing happened then emerge one day under the protection of «biological parents welfare society and experts» and claim that you have been searching for your child?!!! Really!

And all the talk about family tracing should be done in perspective. Family tracing done with the malicious purpose of discrediting a legal process and buying the so called biological families to claim children that they abandoned is no family tracing. Necessary tracing was done and time given (as provided by law ) for anyone to make claims.

Its a shame that child protection has been misplaced for «alleged parents protection». Its a shame that impunity of the highest order is playing out on sensitive matters that touch on the best interest of children.

Today, we cry for the children of Kenya. We cry for the many abandoned and vulnerable children who are stuck in homes as petty misplaced fights play out at their peril.

God help the innocent children of Kenya, hear their cry and save them oh Lord.»

InorAdopt var forrige uke i Kenya, og følger nøye med på utviklingen i saken. Våre tanker går til barna og familiene som lever i usikkerhet.